Lake Ontario Fishing Reports 2

Your Lake Ontario Fishing Charter Experience

Lake Ontario is one of the best places for fishing enthusiasts to explore. The lake boasts an array of fish species including trout, salmon, and bass that make it a favorite among anglers. If you're planning a trip to Lake Ontario, it's important to stay updated on the latest Lake Ontario Fishing Report to ensure you have the best possible experience. The fishing in Lake Ontario out of Oswego is second to none, so make sure you stay up to date with the latest info to make the most of your day on the water!

We get these questions a lot. What fish are biting in Lake Ontario? Where is the best fishing on Lake Ontario? Is Lake Ontario good fishing? Lake Ontario is full of some of the best sportfishing fish species in the country. Our favorite to fish for are Chinook Salmon (King Salmon), Coho Salmon, Steelhead and Brown Trout. Check out some of our fishing reports for up to date information on the fishing on Lake Ontario.

The best part about Lake Ontario fishing is that there are always fish biting! The summer months are best for Salmon and Steelhead fishing on the lake. Generally speaking the best way to target King Salmon and Steelhead in Lake Ontario is to troll at various depths. Follow along for more information on current fishing patterns! We know that there are a lot of Lake Ontario and Salmon River fishing reports out there so we are thrilled that you trust us to provide you with the most accurate information possible when it comes to planning your next fishing trip. We cant wait to fish with you!

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Lake Ontario Report and Updates fishing report coverpicture

June 6, 2019

Lake Ontario Mariners Marina - Jefferson, NY Fishing Report on 6th Jun, 2019 - 6

Fishing remains good across the Eastern basin with a respectful number of Kings being caught about everyday. Lake trout are hugging the bottom in 130 to 170 FOW and browns, although very scattered are being caught near the harbor in 15 to 30 FOW. Spoons have been the ticket for everything although a few guys are running cut bait. Green glows early, black and silver patterns and yellow on the rare occasion we see the sun! The phone has been busy, but I am always slow in June, in fact June is my slowest month of the year, go figure. Fortunately that gives me some time to catch up on house projects and travel to see some family and friends. That being said here is what I have left open for the summer lake season. I have June 12, 13, all day June 16, 21, 29, 30 PM July 3, 4, 31 All day July 5, 19 AM July 11, 12, 16, 17, 23, 29, 30 PM August 21, 31 all day August 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20 PM September 3, 5 All Day September 6 AM River Dates September 14, 22 November 2, 29 December 10, 11, 12, 13. Give me shout if you want to get hooked up this year. God Bless and Best Fishes, Troy
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Florida Winter Season Wrap Up fishing report coverpicture

March 20, 2019

Pine Island - Duval, FL Fishing Report on 20th Mar, 2019

My fishing season in Pine Island Sound is coming to an end. I have about a week to go and it will back to the Salmon River, and mud season, chipping ice out of the guides and chasing Spring Steelhead through the rapids. I love the warmth but miss the ironheads, so its off to the north I go. This has been another incredible season for Shelley and I. Although the red tide and toxic flows from Lake Okeechobee did in fact kill many fish, are local waters did well and aside from the loss of our trout we pounded on Snook, Reds, Snapper, Sheepshead and Jacks all winter. We had more cold fronts in late February and March then we needed, but we got by and stayed on the fish. Every year gets busier down here and I hoping to stretch my season into early April in 2020. Just like my lake and river trips in NY, I suggest you lock in your days for fishing down here as soon as you can. I am blessed with great clients, warm weather, killer fishing and a fabulous wife/ partner and dates are going fast. Anytime you want to talk fishing, just give me a shout. See you on the water-Somewhere! God Bless! Troy
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Florida Fishing Report fishing report coverpicture

February 27, 2023

Pine Island Sound - Lee, FL Fishing Report on 27th Feb, 2023

The maestro @ssharpior was back onboard today and we picked away at them from beginning to end, snook, jacks and snappers, finishing up the day with a big girl and a nice red.